Category Archive: Uncategorized

Jul 11

July 2017 UNC Meeting Notes

July’s monthly UNC community meeting covered 5 discussion topics: Community announcements/concerns UNC Officer reports Annual Park View Summer Block Party planning DPR/Park View Rec Center presentation: Greg Poag Friends of Park View Park group presentation: Sherita Alexander July 2017 Meeting Notes (PDF)

Jul 31

July Meeting Notes

July’s meeting covered 2 topics: lead in our water and what the community would like to see as part of the community benefits package from the Park Morton redevelopment. Click below to see notes from the meeting. If you have any feedback or have an idea for the Community Benefits Package, please send an email …

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Mar 25

Petition for Small Non-Profit Relief in DC

The Board of the United Neighborhood Coalition has been struggling with a difficult problem. In the District of Columbia, non-religious non-profits that earn more than $1,500 per year are required to obtain a business license that costs $412.50 (paid every two years). The UNC was once very small, but as we grow we run the …

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Feb 20

Park Morton Discussion to be Postponed

    The Park Morton Discussion in March has been postponed after the snow pushed back various important schedules for the speakers. The UNC will still meet in March at our usual time and place (Wednesday, March 4, 7-8pm in the Park View Rec Center). Info on a new speaker will be posted soon!

Feb 13

Save the Date! Park Morton Discussion on March 4th

Neighbors please “Save the Date” for next month’s UNC meeting. We are discussing a very important topic I know is of great interest to the community: the redevelopment of Park Morton. Representatives from the Mayor’s New Communities Initiative, DC Housing, Ward One Councilmember Brianne Nadeau’s office, and the Park Morton Tenants Association will be there …

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Feb 01

School Lottery and Education Conversation

Attention parents and anyone interested in our schools: the Park View UNC meeting this month will focus on education and the common lottery. School Lottery and Education Conversation Wednesday, February 4th, 7-8pm Park View Recreation Center, 693 Otis Pl NW This is the second year of the DC common school lottery, which now includes all schools …

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Jan 06

January UNC Meeting

The January UNC Meeting is tonight! Wednesday, Jan 7th Park View UNC Meeting, 7-8pm Park View Recreation Center, 693 Otis Pl NW Agenda – Introduction – Officer Reports – Friends Committee Report – Speaker: MPD Lieutenant Augustine – Discussion: UNC 2015 budget priorities UNC meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month. Have …

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Dec 02

UNC Holiday Potluck!

You are invited to join us at the Park View Recreation Center this next Wednesday for a neighborhood holiday potluck. If you have never been to a UNC meeting, this is a great time to come out and meet your neighbors at this fun holiday event! We are still looking for volunteers to help with setup …

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Sep 20

UNC Board Elections

October marks the start of election season for the United Neighborhood Coalition. The UNC is managed by an eight-person Board of Directors, who are elected by the membership every November. Nominations for the 2015 Board will be taken at the October UNC meeting (Wednesday, October 1st, Park View Rec Center, 693 Otis Pl NW, 7-8pm). …

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Sep 20

Welcome to the New Website!

We are pleased to announce the launch of our website. If you notice any problems with the site, please email our development team at

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